The Andes mountains have their gods, guardians and protectors like the Muqui and in the Amazon there is the Chullachaqui is a mythical creature from Amazonian folklore, believed to inhabit the dense rainforests of Peru. Its name comes from the Quechua words “chulla” meaning uneven or different, and “chaqui” meaning foot; this name reveals the characteristic and weakness of this mythical creature. Its distinguishing feature of having two mismatched feet, one resembling a human foot and the other an animal paw or hoof.

Chullachaqui a Guardian of the Amazon rainforest
Additionally, the Chullachaqui was created by shamanic spirits to serve as a protector of the forest realm. It wanders between the physical and spiritual worlds, it also has the ability to transform into any animal, even a human being. Specially, the Chullachaqui as guardian of rainforest, launches thunder and lightning that scare away the bad guys, makes it rain heavily to put down the forest wild fires, warns the “izulas” and “huayrangas” (giant wasps which sting causes fever) so that they can attack lumberjacks.
However, this sneaky gremlin is in search of people who have lost their path, pretending he wants to help them. It has the ability to metamorphose into the likeness of friends, family or guides, tricking those who have lost their way into following it down twisted paths from which they can never escape.
The only way to reveal the Chullachaqui’s true trickster form is by looking at its feet; if one appears inhuman, shouting its name will force it to show its true self and flee in shame. Those familiar with the legend warn travelers to carefully inspect the feet of anyone they encounter on isolated jungle trails. Uneven footprints indicate the presence of the Chullachaqui, whose intention is to capture the souls of humans to swell the ranks of the spirits that protect the wonder Amazon rainforest.

This is a great myth about a creature from the Amazon jungle, the Amazonian population of Peru is waiting for you to tell you about the true myth of Chullachaqui. And the best way to get to the Peruvian Amazon is with Peru Jugle Trips. Thank you for reading.