Peru Jungle Trips shares useful information and interesting data regarding one of the most popular species known in the Peruvian jungle’s territory.
The small spectacled bear resides within the dense Andean rainforests of South America, holding the title of the continent’s sole bear species.

Appearance and Facial Features
Spectacled bears sport shaggy fur, often black or brown, with distinctive whitish to yellowish eye rings, resembling oversized eyeglasses. However, these markings may not completely encircle the eyes in all individuals, and some bears may lack them entirely.
Size and Weight
Known as Andean bears, spectacled bears are among the smallest members of the Ursidae family. Males, much larger than females, typically exceed 5 feet in length and can weigh up to 340 pounds, while females seldom surpass 180 pounds.

Shy Andean bears inhabit lush, secluded cloud forests, often reaching heights of 14,000 feet.. While they primarily dwell in these habitats, they occasionally venture into various landscapes, including rainforests, steppes, and coastal deserts, in search of food.
Spectacled bears are typically nocturnal and predominantly herbivorous, consuming a diet of fruits, berries, cacti, and honey. Agile climbers, these bears display patience, spending days in trees on makeshift platforms, waiting for fruit to ripen. With powerful jaws and broad, flat molars, they can consume tough vegetation like tree bark and orchid bulbs.
At times, they eat meat, hunting rodents, birds, insects, and even young livestock, becoming South America’s largest carnivores.
Solitary creatures by nature, mature spectacled bears typically interact only during mating season. Females usually give birth to one or two vulnerable cubs, which become mobile after a month but remain dependent on the mother for up to eight months, often riding on her back.

Survival Threats and Conservation Efforts
The main challenges facing spectacled bear populations stem from the destruction and fragmentation of their habitat. Poaching poses an additional threat, as bears are hunted for their meat and body parts. Moreover, farmers often view them as agricultural nuisances and resort to lethal measures to control their presence.
Andean bears, once inhabiting Chile where they were initially documented by Western explorers in 1825, have since vanished from the region. However, they persist in various parts of their historical range where suitable habitat still exists. Habitat destruction and hunting pose significant threats to their survival, with poachers targeting bears for their body parts, which are sold in traditional medicine markets, or for their meat. Misunderstandings fuel conflicts, leading to retaliatory killings, especially when bears are seen as crop raiders or livestock threats.
In recent years, spectacled bear populations have experienced sharp declines in Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru, while relatively healthy populations endure in Ecuador and Bolivia. The Andean bear shares its habitat with numerous other species, emphasizing the importance of conserving their ecosystems. Protecting the Andean bear habitat safeguards diverse wildlife like coatis, tapirs, jaguars, and condors.
Contact us to arrange a trip to see these wonderful animals!